Our original showroom is located at 95A Sheep Davis Road in Pembroke NH.
It offers an attractive, comfortable, well-lit environment featuring counter top vignettes, edge profile displays and large material displays. You are welcome to browse the over one hundred 20-inch by 20-inch samples of granite and quartz. Our knowledgeable staff can assist with helping you select the right stone for your project, as well as discuss the necessary details required for a smooth and timely installation.
Planning in advance is the best way to ensure your counter tops arrive when you want them to – and minimize the amount of time that your kitchen is in chaos. The best time to order your counter tops is the same time that you order your cabinetry. The other key factor in your timeline will be selecting and approving your stone. So, don’t delay – plan to stop by soon to start planning for your new natural stone countertop.